Incoming students

The Department of Sociology and Social Research welcomes you.

Sociology and Social Research is one of the fourteen Departments composing the National University of Milano-Bicocca, located in northern part of Milan and established in 1999. Milano-Bicocca is the newest public academia among the eight universities already existing in Milan. The University of Milano-Bicocca was placed 55th in the “Top 150 Under 50 Ranking 2017”, issued by the Times Higher Education.

The University campus is built in a post-industrial area (the largest in Europe), where the factory Pirelli previously produced tyres and 25,000 blue-collar workers were employed. Today, the same grounds host 35,000 students. The Department of Sociology and Social Research counts a permanent staff of 64 Faculty members: 19 full professors, 33 associated professors, 12 assistant professors.

The Department offers 4 undergraduate, 4 graduate, 7 master, and 3 doctoral degrees.

Since the inception, the Department of Sociology and Social Research has been ranked as the best in Italy for the quality of research and teaching in social and political sciences, as stated also by the national research ranking (ANVUR, 2013).

All of the administrative procedures about the Erasmus+ mobilty are managed by Bicocca International Office: you can contact them for the information about application, admission, accomodation booking, enrollment, Italian language courses, etc.

There are different people who are in charge of assisting Erasmus+ incoming students for the Department of Sociology and Social Research:

  1. The Erasmus+ Coordinator for the Department of Sociology and Social Research that is Prof. Lorenzo Bagnoli.

For any information please write to

  1. The Erasmus+ Coordinators for the different Courses of the Department are:
  • Organization Science (undergraduate): prof.ssa Claudia Ghisetti
  • Social Work (undergraduate): prof.ssa Carlotta Mozzana
  • Sociology (undergraduate): prof. Nicholas Dines
  • Science of Tourism and the Local Community (undergraduate): prof. Leandro Elia
  • Analysis of Social Processes (postgraduate): prof. Gianluca Argentin
  • PROGEST (postgraduate): prof.ssa Tatjana Sekulic
  • Security, Safety, Deviance and Risk Management (postgraduate): prof. Luca Verzelloni
  • Tourism, Territory and Local Development (postgraduate): prof. Luca Daconto
  • Doctoral Program ASEP: prof.ssa Sveva Magaraggia
  • Doctoral Program URBEUR: prof.ssa Carlotta Mozzana

The Erasmus+ Coordinators of the different Courses must be contacted as soon as the Incoming Students arrive at the Department to get the approval of their Learning Agreement.


The University of Milano Bicocca has implemented the Bicocca University Angel’s Project. In this project, the international office provides you with a tutor that will give you support throughout all your mobility period. There is one tutor for each department/school.

The Department has signed agreements with European and non-European Universities for combined diplomas: 

  • Tourism, Territory and Local Development (TTSL);
  • Master en Direccìon International de Turismo - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) – Spain, TTSL and Management et développement du tourisme -  Université de Savoie-Mont-Blanc.

An ad hoc program addressed to Chinese students.

For further information click here.