Department of Excellence
The Department of Sociology and Social Research has repeatedly achieved levels of excellence, particularly within the field of research, and was named as one of the Department of Excellences in the MIUR ranking published on 9 January 2018.
This ranking was produced based on results of the research quality assessment (VQR) undertaken by ANVUR in 2017 and the appraisal of a research project presented by the Department for the creation of an “Institute for Advanced Study of Social Change (IASSC)”.
The core aim of the project is to create an observatory on social change within the Department of Sociology and Social Research, with the following objectives: to develop new knowledge around social changes affecting Italy; to create an Italian archive of longitudinal quantitative and qualitative data, in accordance with the highest international academic standards; to take full advantage of the information collected, through both the geo-referencing of information and by linking this with administrative databases; to integrate analytical methodologies by using existing workshops and employing visual techniques that have already been explored within the Department; to increase the competitiveness of the Doctoral School, maximising the employment prospects of its young researchers in academic and other fields; and to lay the foundations for the development of third-mission activities, in accordance with the educational and cultural needs of local bodies, the media and civil society in general.
The project will involve Tenured Assistant Professors from the Department in the coming years; significant funding in terms of staff and economic resources has been provided for.