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CASTAL - Case Studies Atlas of Local Sustainability Transition

Over the last 25 years, the European Union has been solidly committed to making its cities and local communities more sustainable. Indeed, European communities, cities and regions have engaged in Local Sustainability Transition (LST), making the EU a laboratory for sustainable solutions, including Read more the socio-technical aspects of transition. LST has been extensively studied by European SSH researchers, experts, and practitioners, using “the case study” as a privileged tool for investigating context- specifc transitions towards environmentally sustainable socio- technical systems. However, despite the production of a massive corpus of knowledge on LST in Europe, there are still several difculties in the real exploitation of such knowledge for further research purposes. Among them it is worth mentioning: the fragmentation of knowledge and data (as case studies are scattered across a multitude of projects or institutional repositories or websites); the lack of archives to store and preserve knowledge and data produced; the lack of sufcient attempts to organise data collected and knowledge produced across cases (e.g. by producing indexes or metadata); the difculty of cumulating data on the same cases from different studies. In summary, despite the unprecedented work of analysis of LST conducted over the last two decades by SSH, the knowledge produced is difcult to access and use and it risks even being wasted, as the potential of using these data for future research (e.g. diachronic or cross- case research) or practical applications (e.g. learning by other communities or municipalities) remains untapped. In this context, the overall objective of the project is developing a “Case Studies Atlas of Local Sustainability Transition - CASTAL”, i.e. a new digital research object collecting case studies (mainly licensed in CC by) and making them Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR), thus contributing to Open Science and EOSC, by enabling future research and the exploitation of research results by researchers from SSH and other disciplines, and from local authorities, businesses and citizens.

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Bando: OSCARS 1st Open Call for Open Science Project and Services
Enti finanziatori: O.S.C.A.R.S. - Open Science Clusters’ Action for Research and Society (CNRS)

"Vaccine Hesitancy: Exploring the Role of Temporal and Cross-country Variation in COVID Rules, Vaccine Media Coverage, and Public Health Policy Consistency"

Responsabili: RIVA EGIDIO
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CLiViE - Cultural Literacies’ Value in Europe

The Cultural Literacies’ Value in Europe (CLiViE) project develops and applies a Theory of Change (ToC) methodology and Social Return on Investment (SROI) framework to increase our understanding of the value of cultural literacy through arts-based education on social cohesion. It will Read more be delivered through four main phases: it ‘maps’ arts-based education within the context of cultural literacy learning across different learning environments and over different stages of a young person’s education; it ‘evaluates’ arts-based education to help identify and assess their actual outputs and outcomes; it ‘values’ arts-based education activities through calculating its impact to further contribute to our understanding of the 'where', 'when', 'what' and 'how' young people’s cultural literacies are developed, and differentiated in various learning environments; and it ‘practices’ pedagogies through developing an innovative set of practices and materials to support art-based educators to develop social justice and inclusion and improve the lives of young people through collaborative pedagogy. It has been designed to meet the three main research outcomes of the work programme topic: the ToC methodology and SROI framework for cultural literacies will directly increase our understanding of the value of cultural literacy on social cohesion; the evidencing of value in arts-based education and the collaborative pedagogy practices in cultural literacy through the co-creation of communities of practice (COPs) and a professional development programme (PDP) for arts educators will support the targeted commissioning of activities that will increase cultural literacy in Europe; and the innovative methodology for data gathering (and engaging) through emotional cartography allows young people to find a voice through more effective initiatives to foster cultural literacy around European cultures.

Responsabili: CAMOZZI ILENYA
Data di inizio:
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Bando: Promoting cultural literacy through arts education to foster social inclusion
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

LINEup - Longitudinal data for INequalities in Education

LINEup aims at identifying key success factors for quality education for all, by mapping and analysing the research design and findings of existing longitudinal data on students’ learning outcomes at primary and secondary level (6-18 year-old students). Considering that 2023 Read more is the European Year of Skills and in line with the objectives of the European Education Area and Council Recommendation on Pathways to School Success, the project focuses on achievement and attainment of basic skills. LINEup is based on a comprehensive desk research aiming at collecting, analysing and summarizing data that allow assessing inequalities in education over time in 31 countries, and with a particular focus on Southern and Western Europe. Part of the activities are dedicated to understand to what extent different databases can be made directly comparable and deliver a feasibility study that brings innovation to the research community interested in comparative longitudinal analysis. A qualitative research in project countries complements the mapping to gather primary data on the implementation process and impact of possible compensatory interventions. In line with the findings of recent longitudinal studies, the objective is to further investigate what schools can do to keep their students engaged, meet their characteristics and needs, and reduce inequalities in the short, medium and long run. LINEup will contribute to expand the knowledge base on what shapes educational outcomes over time and on student-centred interventions aiming at lifting the performance in basic skills and reducing early leaving from education and training, which are a key challenge across Europe. Attention will be dedicated to cooperating with national authorities of the participating countries to identify and access longitudinal data and other administrative sources, and to validate and disseminate the results at European, national and local level for a more supportive and equitable school environment.

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Bando: Mapping of longitudinal data and assessment of inequalities in education, training and learning achievements
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

The economic and social impact of COVID-19 mitigation policies: A cross-country analysis of macro events – TERZA ANNUALITA

Responsabili: RIVA EGIDIO
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CAPIRE-Cultural Adjustment Project for Improving Relations in Europe

CAPIRE (Cultural Adjustment Project for Improving Relations in Europe) aims at bridging cultural differences within the EU. By removing trade barriers and border controls among its members states and the introduction of uniform standards, the European Union has created one big Read more common market. But Europe still has one disadvantage compared with other big economic blocks, like the U.S. and China: the linguistic and cultural differences between the constituent countries. More than ever European professionals find work in other European countries or are likely to collaborate in their work with other EU nationals. At the same time business relations and trade between companies from different EU countries are continually increasing. As a result both professionals and businesses are challenged by the cultural differences within the EU. European universities should see it as their mission to prepare their students for the future labour market, which includes working as a professional with other EU nationals or doing business for one's firm with other EU countries. Therefore, one of the skills they should acquire is to adequately deal with cultural differences. The CAPIRE project aims at exchanging knowledge between the partners and jointly developing an innovative method: building a digital training tool that is called a Culture Sensitiser (or Culture Assimilator). This tool challenges students, businessmen and private persons with realistic intercultural situations on the work floor which they have to solve. It provides them with explanations and further cultural background information. With this (digital) tool we can provide university teachers with an easy method of introducing students to real cultural differences. Our experience is that students like to solve real-life situations more than deal with abstract theories. We expect that this tool will not only raise the knowledge about but also the interest in this important subject, both among teachers and students. The Culture Sensitiser is not only useful to prepare students for a stay or work abroad, but also has a more general effect, on dealing with cultural diversity. European universities have become more and more internationalised in the last ten years, meaning that cultural diversity among students (and teachers) has greatly increased. For this reason, university boards are eager to promote an open and inclusive mindset among their students. The use of the Culture Sensitiser will definitely contribute to that goal. The Culture Sensitiser will be equally useful for professionals who are involved in international business and trade, and for private persons who are dealing with intercultural issues. Summarising, this project and the tool that will be created will help Europeans to better understand the cultural differences between them, which will lead to more effective collaboration. That is why the project has the acronym CAPIRE, which in Italian means 'to understand'.

Responsabili: TIRABENI LIA
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Bando: Cooperation partnerships in higher education
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

CFI - Countering Foreign Interference

In a global context characterised by geostrategic confrontation and competing narratives, information manipulation can be used to influence perceptions on the ground or fuel a conflict by creating confusion. The transition towards a multipolar world, accelerated by recent shocks such as Read more the Covid-19 pandemic and the 2022 war Russia has been waging in Ukraine, has created an “informational battleground”, in which malign actors resort to hybrid tools, including Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI), to gain influence or undermine the capacities and credibility of other powers. Such a “global battle of narratives” was already described by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission (EU HR/VP) Josep Borrell in his 2020’s article3, highlighting the impact the framing of narratives has on citizens’ perceptions and behaviour, governments’ responses and health, economic, political, democratic and security consequences where time is a crucial factor. The 2022 March Strategic Compass (p. 14) warns that the EU now faces “a competition of governance systems accompanied by a real battle of narratives”. In addition, several other key EU communication and policy efforts have already recognised the threat of disinformation and foreign interference, such as the EU Action Plan on disinformation (5 December 2018), the European Democracy Action Plan (3 December 2020), the Digital Services Act (5 July 2022), the Code of Practice on Disinformation (also this year’s (2022) new updated and expanded version), Council Conclusion on Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (18 July 2022), among others. Therefore, this Action also aims to further the implementation of existing frameworks and promote the related knowledge and tools externally. This action aims to enable the EU to address short and medium-term foreign policy needs and opportunities in and with non-EU territories by supporting innovative policies/initiatives and by deepening EU relations and dialogues, forging alliances and partnerships, in the fields of information manipulation and other types of foreign interference. It will contribute to enhancing the resilience and responses against FIMI, strengthening the EU’s role as a global security provider and defender of democratic values. It will lead to establishing a community of practice, bringing the EU, Member States and partners closer together on the understanding of FIMI-related challenges and how to address them. While the EU has developed over the past few years many new instruments and approaches, gaps in the EU’s ability to address these growing and evolving challenges remain. Therefore, promotion of widespread understanding and visibility of the Union’s work in this domain and its role on the world scene, by means of strategic communication, public diplomacy, people-to-people contacts, cultural diplomacy, cooperation in educational and academic matters, and outreach activities to promote the Union's values and interests will be further enhanced by this Action.

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Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

DORA - Data integration for acknowledging risks and protecting children from violence

DORA addresses priority 4 of CERV-2022-DAPHNE "Supporting and improving national data collection on violence against children (VAC)”. It will contribute to the elaboration and delivery of more integrated and accurate data addressing VAC including Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting, and the improvement Read more of data analysis, fostering accurate knowledge of the intrinsic characteristics of the phenomenon.The general objective of this proposal is to identify the existing informational gaps on VAC and elaborate statistical solutions able to combine, integrate, and thus produce refined and highly available data. By focusing on Italy and directly involving, among other partners, the National Institute of Statistics, DORA will produce the following outputs: (1) identification and systematisation of all the sources currently available on VAC, pinpointing strengths and weaknesses; (2) estimation of the scope of the phenomenon, its several dimensions and risk factors; (3) definition of a new framework for measuring VAC; (4) analysis of the phenomenon through data modelling and integration; (5) support the statistical capability building on official statistics on VAC at the national and international level; (6) advancing data analysis and methodology to understand the extent of FGM/C among girls. The dissemination of the methodologies and produced results will be done at the policy and academic level and towards civil society organisations. Besides, DORA intends to share the achieved results with other countries. DORA will guide policymaking, contribute to better target resources, plan interventions, substantiate claims for funds, monitor progress and assess trends. Target groups include civil society organisations, health care providers, child protection, police, school teachers, and policymakers.

Data di inizio:
Data di fine:
Bando: Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

Governing Green Transitions (GOGREEN): Modelling the Co-creation of Innovative Green SDG Solutions

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HIGHRES - Helping IntanGible Heritage REsilience through Storytelling

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Bando: KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION