Postgraduate Programmes
First/Second-Level Postgraduate Programmes are advanced scientific courses designed to develop specialist skills and abilities. The programmes can only be accessed by students with a Degree. There are both First- and Second-Level Postgraduate Programmes.
The minimum duration of Postgraduate Programmes is one year, as a rule.
Postgraduate Programmes may be organised in collaboration with public and private bodies.
Unlike Specialist Training Courses, Postgraduate Programmes issue an academic qualification.
Educational objectives
The aim of these Courses of Study is to expand knowledge already acquired in both theoretical and practical/operational terms, in order to elevate and develop professional skills. They are suitable for professionals who wish to retrain or update their knowledge and skills.
Admission criteria
In order to be admitted onto a First-Level Postgraduate Programme, candidates must have an existing Bachelor’s Degree qualification. For Second-Level Postgraduate Programmes, candidates must have a Master’s Degree qualification or Specialist Degree qualification (in accordance with Ministerial Decree 509/99), or a Degree obtained in accordance with the system in place prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99. For both First- and Second-Level Postgraduate Programmes, a qualification obtained abroad and deemed suitable in accordance with the University’s regulations may be used for admission.
Criteria for obtaining the qualification
In order to obtain a Postgraduate Programme qualification, students must acquire at least 60 university credits (1 university credit = 25 hours), in addition to those required for the Bachelor’s Degree (180 CFUs) or for the Master’s/Specialist Degree (120 CFUs). Teaching activities undertaken during Specialist Training Courses may also be counted as CFUs.