Our teaching programme
The teaching programme of the Department of Sociology and Social Research encompasses Bachelor’s Degree Courses, Master’s Degree Courses, PhDs, First-Level Postgraduate Programmes, Specialist Training Courses and Continuing Training Courses. These courses are regularly supplemented by Summer School activities.
The four Bachelor’s Degree Courses are:
- Sociologia (Sociology) (L-40);
- Servizio Sociale (Social Work) (L-39);
- Scienze del Turismo e Comunità Locale (Science of Tourism and the Local Community) (L-15);
- Scienze dell'organizzazione (Organisation Science) (L-16).
The four Master’s Degree Courses are:
- Analisi dei processi sociali (Analysis of Social Processes) (LM-88);
- Programmazione e Gestione delle Politiche e dei Servizi Sociali (Planning and Management of the Political and the Social Services) (LM-87);
- Turismo, Territorio e Sviluppo Locale (Tourism, Territory and Local Development) (LM-49);
- Management e design dei servizi (Management and Services Design) (LM-63) (Inter-departmental Course run in collaboration with the Departments of: Law (School of Law), Statistics & Quantitative Methods, Economics Management and Statistics).
The teaching programme of the Bachelor’s Degree Courses and the knowledge and skills conveyed through the courses draw on a range of different disciplines. In addition to sociology, course units include aspects of economics and business, law, mathematics, statistics and demographics, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, history and geography.
The Department is also part of the International Master’s Degree in Marine Sciences, which is organised by the Department of Environmental and Territorial Sciences.
The Department has three PhD courses, which are accredited by the MIUR and form part of the University’s Doctoral School:
- Analysis of Social and Economic Processes (ASEP);
- Urban and Local European Studies (URBEUR);
- Sustainable Human Development.
On top of this base offering, the Department also runs the following First-Level Postgraduate Programmes:
- International Business Development – MAIB (in English);
- Management and Digital Innovation;
- Management for Human Capital Development;
- Health Systems, Traditional and Non-Conventional Medicine;
- Sport Management, Marketing and Society;
- Communication of Science and Sustainable Innovation;
- Rights of Foreigners and Migration Policies (in collaboration with the Department of Law);
as well as Specialist Training and Continuing Training Courses:
- Violence against Women and Minors: Understanding and Tackling the Phenomenon;
- Gender, Politics and Institutions (scientific coordination);
and a number of international Summer Schools:
- Attractive Cities (in collaboration with the University of Barcelona);
- Rethinking the Culture of Tolerance. Groups, Conflicts and Reconciliation (in collaboration with the University of Sarajevo and the University of East Sarajevo);
- India Summer School – Learning from the Local Communities and Tribal People in Global Frames (in collaboration with the University of Palermo);
- Chinese Worlds-International Summer School at Chongqing University (in collaboration with Chongqing University).
Annual Manifesto of Studies
The Annual Manifesto of Studies is designed to ensure the transparency of the teaching programme and provide orientation to students with regards to the organisation of Courses of Study.
The Annual Manifesto of Studies contains information on:
- the educational programme of the academic year in question;
- Course of Study enrolment procedure;
- transfer procedures, second degrees and CFU recognition;
- academic schedule and lecture times;
- programmes of course units;
- exam registers;
- presentation of the Study Plan;
- degree exams.